How often do we appreciate our friends? Some of us take some of our friends for granted, especially those who love and care about us the most. We don’t need the whole world and its contents to make friends know that we care; It is the little things that we do. Actions they say speaks louder than words. However, I taught of sharing this piece with all my wonderful friends.
One day, I’ll leave the world and never come back, you will cry when you see my number, you will miss me when you sit alone, you will not be able to hear my laugh and voice again……not even my smiles.
There would be no more me to irritate you, tease you, make you laugh and say ‘’sorry stupid’’. Tears might flow out of your eyes but I will be gone, long and forever so enjoy my silly stupid company as much as you can, before I close my eyes forever!!!
Let us all learn to appreciate people around us because until we do, they will never know how we feel about them.
To my wonderful friends. I love you and always will ………xoxoxoxoxox