“Nobody understands me.” These famous words have probably been spoken by all teenagers – or they have filled their thoughts – no matter what the culture, race or creed of the youths. In most cases, they are uttered in frustration because of confrontation with authority, be it with a parent, guardian, a teacher or some other adult. It is amazing how quickly adults forget their teenage years and the struggles of their journeys through that frightening no man’s land called adolescence.
The teenage years are probably the most difficult time of life because they are critical period of transition when the individual moves through the stormy waters and the rites of passage from childhood to adulthood.
In case you haven’t noticed, this world is out of order and the purpose and meaning of life is apparently unknown. Although the problems of today actually have a simple solution, humans are too “smart.” They spend their time creating their own inventions rather than returning to the Maker and asking Him for the specifications on which life should operate.
Something is indeed wrong with our world. If you were to ask for my opinion, I would have to tell you that this world is a mess in general and specifically a mess in regards to teenagers.
Why are the youth doing the things they do and behaving the way they behave? Some of them have lost the respect the used to have for the elderly. When was last you saw a teenage give his seat to an elderly in a bus? Some people in our society are alarmed at the level of violence among teenagers and they keep asking “Why?” The values presented to teenagers everyday leads them further away from God’s design and not coincidentally, toward suicide, AIDS and death. At one time it was a real scandal for a single young lady to not be a virgin. Now it is almost a crime to be one. Although teenagers can choose and make their own decisions about their futures, the world they meet is weighted against their future success. Some young people drink alcohol, hit coke, smoke, while others discover the tragedies of AIDS, teenage pregnancy and abortion. Of course even though young people may be victims of circumstances, that does not mean you are bound by those circumstances forever. There is a better way, if you would choose to find it.
Broken People Produces Broken Families Which Produce Broken Teenagers – Whose Fault?
Many teenagers do not know and understand what a family is. They grow up in a number of relationships which do not give any clear indication of stability. Some families have one parent, some have two, some have revolving mothers or fathers. Divorce is often a discussed reality among the youth. It seems majority of teens today grow up in households that are either single-parented or dysfunctional. It can’t be strange for teenagers to consider suicide when they live in a world where they are not exposed to the real truth, while in some cases some of them want to run away. Wouldn’t you if you were in their shoes?
Today’s Teens
A lot is wrong with today’s teenagers. They are more violent, sexually active at earlier ages, have less respect for parents and elders, and are more likely to drop out of school due to so many problems. Of course, this does not apply to all teenagers because there are still a number of good ones. These are the facts of life. However, when trying to unearth what is wrong with today’s youth, we need to look at today’s parents.

Parents today work more, spend less time with their children and more likely to divorce and remarry several times or are single parents, and are one of the primary causes for the state of their children. Whatever you as a parent do and however you live, some if not all, of your children will end up just like you. Parents must realize that children often take what exists in their parents and add to it. Parents should be careful how they live in front of their teenagers.
To one who knows the bible, it is obvious that this world is not functioning in the way it was designed. It is out of order. This world has been and continues to be out of order. God never designed the mess we are in now. It seems to me that alcohol kills more people both directly and indirectly than any other drug. We put a warning on cigarettes, which help people kill themselves, but don’t put a warning on alcohol which kills more. So if cigarette are banned, what will happen to alcohol?
If a child is raised without a father or mother, chances are he or she will grow up deficiently and produce offspring that grow in the same manner and with the same result.
What is wrong with today’s teenagers is what all adults are. The picture may be shocking, and it is. But does that mean there is no hope? I think there is a solution.
Has A Generation Been Lost?
Even though the picture I have just painted actually exists today, a generation of youth has not been lost. We have and are losing many, many young people, but we have not lost a generation. We refuse to accept a disconnected society. We searched for and found the truth in a Book and in the life of the Author of the Book. A new and bold generation is rising up today. We have a purpose; we have goals in life; we refuse to bow down to “idols”. There are still some Daniels, Shadrachs, Meschachs and Abednegos, Davids and countless others who would rather burn than bow. They are convinced they will not have to burn because they know God is on their side and if He is for you, who can be against you?
Even though the picture I have just painted actually exists today, a generation of youth has not been lost. We have and are losing many, many young people, but we have not lost a generation. We refuse to accept a disconnected society. We searched for and found the truth in a Book and in the life of the Author of the Book. A new and bold generation is rising up today. We have a purpose; we have goals in life; we refuse to bow down to “idols”. There are still some Daniels, Shadrachs, Meschachs and Abednegos, Davids and countless others who would rather burn than bow. They are convinced they will not have to burn because they know God is on their side and if He is for you, who can be against you?
Yes, a lot of young people have been lost, but this generation has not been lost. God always has a people who know the truth – young and old, rich and poor, bold and beautiful – who have already decided that they will make the \difference. These young people have learned about their purpose for living. They have developed a relationship with the creator. They have determined their destination and know what it takes to get there. They have examined the facts and concluded that Jesus is the answer that God knows better than they know themselves and that if they follow His commands, they will have true success.
Reference: TALK TO ME....by Myles Monroe