Do you believe in miracles?
Mr. Bernard Wiafe, a 35 year old manager, lived all his life concentrating on his business and planning for his future, neglecting complains from his mum about her being old enough and needed a grandchild. So she wants him to get married to fulfill her dream: as usual.
He has not bothered because he had always had the impression that all ladies were the same due to an experience he had some 7 years ago in trying to date a lady he knew very well he was going to get married to. This lady, after knowing Bernard for six months, could come to his house and spend the weekend. Little did he know that this lady was actually stealing from him little by little. She succeeded in stealing his money, jewels, document, clothes and everything you could think about, and she vanished in thin air without anyone knowing her whereabouts.
A year later, after his wounds had finally healed, friends and relatives advised him that not all ladies were the same and that there were still some good ones. Maybe he hasn’t searched well enough.
Six months later, on his way from the bank, he met this slim, fair coloured, beautiful lady, dressed in a silky stripped long green dress with short wavy hair, right at the entrance of the bank. “it was love at first sight” he never believed he could fall for a lady in that manner. He spent some time with this lady who introduced herself as Joan. Joan was a devoted Christian who was also waiting on the Lord to grant her heart desire of being a mother and a wife to her dream man. And Bernard was right there. They got to know themselves well enough for a year and decided to get married. Bernard could not believe himself, he was so much in love with Joan and couldn’t even live a day without seeing her.
However, on November 7th 1999, they got married and Bernard’s mother thanked God soo much for answering her prayers at the right time and said “for they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength”
Bernard and Joan lived happily with their business but had no kids after three years of marriage. Joan, as religious as she was, waited on the Lord. Avoiding all the pressure from her mother in-law.
In some few weeks, she felt some pains in her body and decided to see the doctor. At the hospital, the doctor confirmed she was 2weeks pregnant and did not have to do so much work. When her time was due, her in-law came to live with them at least to be around till after delivery. She was been driven around anytime she had something to do in town by her driver due to her condition.
Finally, she delivered at the expected time and it was a bouncy baby boy. Everyone was happy. Her in-law was full of happiness.
One day when everyone had left home and she had run out of food for the home, she decided to go to the market with the driver to get something for the house. When they arrived at the market and she was just about to step down from the vehicle, the baby fell from her and the driver just applied the reverse brake and the tyres walked on the arm of the baby. What a pity! Tears started to roll down the cheeks of Joan and asked God why this had happened to her. The baby was rushed to the hospital and the doctor upon seeing the condition in which the baby was, he said “it is only God who can save him and that ONLY A MIRACLE can save your child”
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