Sunday, February 17, 2013

Public Relations and Propaganda

Before you get to read about Public relations and its other related practice, propaganda, i want you to read this first

this week i will like to share with you about Public relations and propaganda just like i did for marketing and journalism

It has been argued by Gruing and hunt (1984) that in publicity, there is propaganda. Practitioners can spread the faith of their organization sometimes through the involvement of incomplete, distorted or half-truth. Clearly, publicity relies on some element of self praise and in telling rather than in listening and this is a feature shared by propaganda. Propaganda however employs other characteristics such as belligerence, dogmatism, demands or unquestioning agreement and obedience.

Typically, publicity is associated with celebrity and celebrification when uncritical following through arousing emotions and evoking spiritual responses are sought. Propaganda on the other hand persists where communication is intended to mould public opinion about a political, economic or social matter. The argument put forward by public relation practitioners in modern times is that the focus of the practice is to communicate with convincing argument and presentation and take great care in nurturing and defending reputations that they value.

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