Wednesday, August 6, 2014


The reasons why a picture works are complex, but good design is undoubtedly a fundamental element in its success. Without it, photographs would constitute a straight forward but uninspired record of a portrait group. However the design has given the viewer an extra insight into the feelings and emotions being communicated. It is essential that from the outset you understand and isolate what stimulate you in the subject and just as important, identify those elements that you do not like. The latter can then be excluded.

Photographing several friends together is a good way to start the exploration of composition with figures. Being relaxed in each other’s company dispels any feeling of awkwardness and when you work as a group, ideas usually around.  

With three or four people the combinations of arrangements and poses are endless and the results are as varied as they are numerous. If the group are young, creative people – as there were – then the session is likely to prove even more exciting and productive. 

Changes of clothing will add an extra dimension to the proceedings buy try not to overdo it as too much choice can be a hindrance. Choose a setting which will complement the subjects without dominating them, since the background is as much a part of the images design as the subjects themselves.

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