Thursday, September 18, 2014


Twenty things you probably didn't know about me. I took up the challenge from @therealattajunior .

1. I believe in God the author and finisher of our faith. In whom we should never give up on.
2. I used to be a rapper in high school. Ask @solomon_sedinam 
3. I have travelled all around Ghana, except the upper east region, and the farthest I have gone in Africa is Nigeria.
4. My childhood crush was Nick Canon until Marian Carey spoilt my chance and took the lead
5. Growing up I wanted to be a medical doctor just because my great-grandmother wanted me to but things changed. Currently a student in communication studies after offering general science in high school.

6. I love cooking and love to try new recipes. Thanks to @ayigbegal nd @mukasechic for the inspiration.
7. I am the only girl and last born of my family.
8. I am a 100% No.9
9. A lot of people believe that Akple nd fetridetsi is the favorite food of Ewes but I haven't tasted that before.
10. I went round to sell every weekend on a tray

11. I love travelling.
12. I love the smell of coffee.
13. I am addicted to country music
 14. Am a home girl.
15. I enjoy the company of guys.
16. Am a workaholic.
17. I have a speech defect.
 18. I love cats paaaa
19. Favorite colours; purple, white nd orange
 20. My friends mean so much to me.
Now i nominate @empratriz@solomon_sedinam @rainebabe22 
@jaybarnner @kojoshuta
For more facts about me, Click here

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