Monday, April 10, 2017

Customer Support Secrets - (5 C's) Know How To Apologize

How will you feel if someone just said "I'm sorry" and you can really feel it in their tone of voice that they do not mean it? In our various relationships, we get hurt in one way or the other from friends and loved ones. It is not just about what you say to apologize. IT IS HOW YOU SAY IT! :-)

Same with handling your customers on a daily basis. People will always reach out because they are frustrated and need urgent assistance. The most important key to providing an outstanding customer support is empathy. What best way to empathize than to acknowledge and accept responsibility when your customer has been left down? Apologizing! Isn't it?

The following are a few nuggets to how to apologize.

1. Concede
It is necessary that you apply empathy during the act of apologizing and by showing that you really understand how the customer is feeling at that particular moment. Acknowledging and validating that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Don't just say "I'm sorry" because that is what the customer needs to hear, say it like you mean it. You could say "I am very sorry that we caused this, and I understand your frustration, I am motivated to assist you and once we are through you will be smiling again." (What i did mostly say)

2. Clarify.

After you have acknowledged how frustrated the customer is and tried to calm him, It is important to explain what happened. A number of people will be willing to understand why this happened to them. At this point, the customer will understand how something is a problem but clarify or justifying the situation helps to build trust and transparency. One of the things that has helped me in my line of work is because I will always acknowledge the problem and then try to explain why the customer had a bad experience. Some will make time to listen so that they do not face the same issue again, others will not need the explanation but will only be fine with a solution. You should always be in the position to look out for what the customer really wants then find a way to chip in the reason for the issue.

3. Cherish
Mostly this could be done in the first stage. It is just cool that you appreciate the customer in using your service. It demystifies the perception of not having a warm customer interaction. Showing appreciation not for only the customer's problem but also for the person himself, this will always diffuse the negative feelings by mixing it with positive ones. You see that thing?

4. Compensate
Another important part of an apology is making amends. In our relationships, once we apologize to our friends or family we try to make amends by getting a gift, a card, go on a date and so on. Throwing money at the problem can at times be appropriate, but can also cheapen the gesture. This might be an offer for some personalised attention or simply asking an assuring "Let me know if there is ever anything I can do to help"

5. Confirm

Finally, your apology should invite a response, such as asking the customer if his complaint was resolved to his satisfaction, and if not, what more can you do?. This makes the customer feel involved and respected and possibly a part of the solution. This also assures him that you will be here for him even when the issue has been resolved.

Lastly, a word of style. Just so you don't sound like a robot :-)  a cliche sentence like "sorry for the inconvenience". Personalizing your style goes a long way to establish a connection. I will sometimes say "keep being awesome" But avoid being too cute - you want to empathize not trivialize.

I hope these steps will go a long way to find that your relationship with your customers has actually strengthened as a result. Don't we all make mistakes? we do :-) - your style of assistance could make the customer look forward to the next problem just to know it is an opportunity he can rely on your support.

Keep Being Awesome!
Yours Truly,

Customer Support Associate,
DreamOval Limited

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